Great Backyard Bird Count 2021

Since things are a little different this year due to the pandemic, Debbie Barnes-Shankster will present a virtual bird id program on February 11th at 6:00 p.m. This will be tailored for the Great Backyard Bird Count in Teller and Park Counties. She will go over some helpful aids to finding birds and go over ID characteristics of birds that could be seen in Teller and Park Counties this time of year. This will give everyone a chance to participate in Citizen Science.   Debbie Barnes-Shankster (pictured below) is the author of Birds of “Florissant Fossil Beds and Surrounding Area” and “Birds of Cheyenne Mountain State Park”. She also teaches Raptor ID and leads bird walks for Audubon and others. If interested, please send an email to with the subject line “GBBC 2021”, a good email, and name to receive a link to join this seminar. 

This seminar is free for all to attend, however if this brings you value and you would like to see more like these please consider a small donation. A suggested donation of $10 will go towards the cost of the platform to host these events and support future speakers. We hope to get back to in person seminars but are excited to be able to reach a wider audience that may not be able to travel or have other limitations to attending an in person event. You can make a donation at our website Friends of Florissant Fossil Beds or use this link
Every Fossil Needs A Friend