From freshwater to fresh beer, why diatoms are important.
Do you like beer? Then you like diatoms! Diatoms are tiny photosynthetic organisms that live in water, and they were an important part of the 34 million-year-old lake preserved at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. But where does beer factor into the equation? The skeletal remains of diatoms, called diatomaceous earth, are a commonly used powder filter aid for beer.
Join us at Fossil Craft Brewing to learn more about ongoing research at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument and give diatoms their day in the sun! Speaker will be Alyssa Johnson (BS in Geology from the College of Charleston, MS in Geoscience from Baylor University) who is working at the Monument and completing her PhD.
Come nerd out with us over diatoms and great beer this Thursday, August 16th at 7:00 p.m. at the Fossil Craft Beer Company. Click the following link for more information on Fossil Craft Beer Company and their address: Fossil Craft Beer Company.
See you There!